GLS Group

GLS Group is the name and brand under which the members of GLS Law Firm Pte Ltd and GLS Solutions Pte Ltd and their respective controlled, managed and affiliated businesses (each a “GLS Group Entity”) provide legal or other consultancy services and/or products to clients around the world. GLS Group Entities are constituted and regulated in accordance with relevant local regulatory and legal requirements and operate in accordance with their locally registered names. The use of the name GLS or GLS Group, is for description purposes only and does not imply that the GLS Group Entities are in a partnership or are part of a global LLP. The responsibility for the provision of services and/or products to any customer of at GLS Group Entity is defined in the terms of engagement between the instructed GLS Group Entity and its respective customer. GLS Solutions, an entity within the GLS Group, is not a law firm or a substitute for an practising advocate, solicitor, attorney or law firm. GLS Solutions is not licensed to provide legal advice and nor does it purport to do so. GLS Solutions' productivity and efficiency services are not a substitute for engaging with a qualified lawyer in private practice.