

Checklist - Shareholders Agreement

Key issues for you to watch out for

The Problem

You need to know what to look for in the agreement you are reviewing.

Related challenges include: 

  • the business complains if a contract review takes too long
  • having legal counsel review every contract is not feasible from a time or cost perspective;
  • conducting each review of every contract to a common standard is almost impossible;
  • even the best people have an off day and miss things;
  • non-lawyers / junior lawyers can take a long time to train in reviewing contracts;
  • you want contract reviews performed to a common standard;
  • you need to empower your business to do more for itself;
  • you do not have a checklist which explains what can and what cannot be agreed;
  • the problem increases when using 3rd party paper.

The web has lots of checklists – but are they any good?

The GLS Solution

GLS Checklists™ flag the key issues you need to be aware of in a wide range of commercial agreement so you can be confident in the agreement that you are reviewing/signing.  

This checklist is for a Shareholders Agreement.

Useful to both legal teams and lay-persons, this GLS Checklist™ flags what is important and/or unique in this clause type, and includes a brief explanation as to why.

GLS Checklists™ flag what is a truly “material” risk area and what is not – allowing you to conduct an efficient and proportionate review.  

There are plenty of checklists found on the Web but few are regularly maintained by a legal services group dedicated to empowering you to achieve more yourself.

Problem solved.


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